Band Adventures Wiki
Tobias's Adventures
The Amazing World of Gumball Band Adventures Episode 1

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Animated By

Ivander Yuanata

Release Date

November 1, 2013

Making Date

March 6, 2006


Tobias, Gumball

Voiced By

Tord Larsson as Tobias


Mars Needs Cheerleaders
Monkey Island
Rusted Root
Red Dwarf

Previous Video

Band Adventures Trailer

Next Video

Gumball's Tales of Awesome

Tobias's Adventures is a first episode of The Amazing World of Gumball Band Adventures

Appearence Characters[]


Tobias stop the gumball sending stinky video.


It starts with Tobias on the computer when Gumball signs into some kind of MSN. Gumball sends Tobias a very embarrassing picture of him with stickman slashing him. Tobias claims that this "means knights". Tobias then goes on a very short trip to Catville in a conviniently placed helicopter. He lands on a person, thus killing him, then runs off, past Weebl and Bob who are standing in the background, to 'Catville President'. He then climbs up to the steps to Gumball's house. He find's Gumball's chair. In Gumball's statue there is a bomb which blows up on Tobias and sends him flying to a desert island, where he lands on a deckchair next to Gumball.

Attempted Murder

EP1 Case

Location: Gumball's House in Catville
Victim: Tobias
Culprit: Gumball
Tobias going to the rooftop and he looking at Gumbal's statue there is a bomb and send him to the desert.

Gumball passes him a Coca Cola can and Tobias takes it. Gumball then deletes the picture of Tobias.

The Amazing World of Gumball Band Adventures Episodes
Tobias's AdventureGumball's Tales of AwesomeZombie NationFaster than Speeding BulletChristmas VisitorHello HellhoeThis World of GumballCasino NightZombie vs. SWATZombie vs. SWAT 2Zombie vs. SWAT 3RuinedBand Adventures Halloween Special 2007Zanta ClawsGumball's Tales of BrillianceSparesMoving Targets25th Under the SeatAnais SucksZanta Claws IIMovie MakersClimate ChangeXmas DayWTFuture